Our Top Popular Courses


Mastering Plot Twists in Fiction Writing

Are you ready to transform your storytelling and captivate your readers with unexpected twists that leave them breathless? Welcome to "Mastering Plot Twists in Fiction Writing," the definitive course designed for writers who aspire to take their narratives to new heights of excitement and intrigue.

Masterclass in Mystery: The Detective Writers Guide to Clues

Unlock the secrets of crafting unforgettable mysteries with "The Detective Writer’s Mystery Clues Masterclass"! Dive into the heart of mystery writing and emerge as a master of intrigue and suspense.

Fiction Writing: Psychological Thriller & Done For You Plot

Are you captivated by the psychological depth and gripping suspense of thriller novels? Do you aspire to craft a story that leaves readers breathless, yet feel overwhelmed by where to start? Our exclusive writing course, "Fiction Writing: Psychological Thriller & Done For You Plot," is your golden ticket to achieving that dream.

Plot Wizard: Mystery and Thriller Fiction Writing Made Easy

Have you ever dreamed of crafting a gripping detective novel that keeps readers on the edge of their seats? Well, your journey to becoming a masterful storyteller starts here! Introducing our online course, “Echoes of a Midnight Caller,” the second installment in our acclaimed “Echoes” series, following the success of “Echoes of the Past.”

Mystery: Thriller Fiction Writing & Ready-Made Plot

Discover the Secrets to Crafting a Gripping Mystery Novel with "Echoes of the Past" - Your Blueprint to Writing Success

Hidden Assassin: A Complete Novel Plot Chapter by Chapter

Introducing HIDDEN ASSASSIN A 28 Chapter Done For You Plot Created Using The 18 Parts Of Story Structure